Exhibition #100
Audiobulb Records is an exploratory electronic music label proudly based in Sheffield/UK. We support a worldwide roster of wonderful artists whose work is often described as electronic, ambient, microsound, electro-acoustic, idm/glitch and modern classical.
In September 2020 the exploratory music label Audiobulb Records reaches 100 releases. To celebrate we will be releasing one single per day for 35 days.
Each single is a unique art piece from artists past and present as well as friends of the label. We consider it a great privilege to work with these artists. Creativity which comes forth in such subtle, beautiful and at times unsettling forms.
As well as their music each artist chose an image to represent their track which is hung in a frame on the exhibition wall.
The singles will be released one a day on Spotify, iTunes and other digital stores.
Bandcamp will have the entire collection available as a compilation with individual artwork for each track.
Audiobulb Is...
Audiobulb is a home for exploratory music. Music that is beautiful, compelling made with care and skill. The label works with artists from around the world who are authentically exploring who they are by presenting a narrative of their life experience through sound. Works supported by Audiobulb often explore the interface between the electronic and natural world. We embrace the complexity of unique electronics, intricate acoustics and detailed microsound.
The Name
The name Audiobulb comes from a sense of sound as light, light as sound. The experience of synesthesia. It’s a good name, people seem to remember it. I have always had a sense that I can in some way “see sounds” there is an element of synesthesia the phenomena where there is a crossover between the senses. Audiobulb as a name works for me as it conveys sound as light – hopefully leading to an illumination within the listener’s mind.
As well as music Audiobulb releases multimedia works, focused projects, VST (virtual instruments), audio hardware and other creative tools. An outline of these other creative avenues are detailed below:
An evolving never-ending ambient track. Artists submit 120 second pieces and they are added to the start or the end of the track. Over time it grows and develops. We are currently on version 7 and it includes contributions of over 70 artists – running for 2 hours & 6 mins. You can visit the project > HERE.
There are five Root of Sine Volumes – each one a whole album made from the starting point of a single one second sine wave. A sine wave is waveform of a single constant frequency and amplitude that continues for all time. Since a sine wave has only a single frequency associated with it, it may be considered the simplest sound. The sine wave is the embodiment of audio-purity and strength as it presents an unchanging tonal quality. You can visit the project > HERE.
Creative Software Instruments
Exploratory music requires you to have the tools to make news sounds in new ways. I have been lucky to work closely with programmers who have engineered ingenious Virtual Studio Tools (VST) and software modules. SOPHIE by Xik for example is a crazy synth that produces shuddering dark sounds. AMBIENT is a very popular software module originally designed by the talented Christopher Hipgrave, who is an electronic musician in his own right. AMBIENT has proven to be very popular with sound designers receiving unanimous praise for its ability to manipulate sound by breaking it into microscopic grains of audio. Visit our software page to see all the modules we support and bring some unique audio tools into your studio.
Thank You!
For supporting Audiobulb & its world-wide artist roster. Your reviews, blogs and DJ coverage keep us exploring music.
Stationary Travels
Exhibition #100 is a sprawling compilation from Audiobulb Records, an exploratory music label based in Sheffield, UK. It was issued to mark the milestone of achieving 100 releases and generously offers 34 tracks from a wide variety of artists spanning “electronic, ambient, microsound, electro-acoustic, idm/glitch and modern classical”. As well as their music each artist chose an image to represent their track which is hung in a frame on the exhibition wall. Featured here is a particularly lovely contribution from Iranian sound artist Porya Hatami.
A Closer Listen
We normally don’t cover singles, but when a label releases 35 singles in 35 days, we take notice ~ especially when the roster includes some of our favorite artists. Exhibition #100 opened on September 1 and will continue to unfold over the course of the next month: a great way for Audiobulb to celebrate its 100th release.
Ambient Blog
The “exploratory electronic music” label Audiobulb reaches its 100th release since starting in 2003 with a compilation called Exhibition #1 and #2. Since then, they have become a label worth following – not only for their music releases but also for some of their side-activities such as releasing software and VST plugins to create music with, such as Lissajous and Ambient (v4) And let’s not forget side projects like Endless Endless and Root of Sine.
To celebrate their 100th release, Audiobulb releases no less than 34 singles, one for every day between September 1 and October 4. The singles will be released separately on Spotify, iTunes, and other digital platforms, but completists need not panic: the entire collection is also available as a compilation from Bandcamp, with individual artwork for each track included: each artist chose an image to represent their own track.
There are many familiar names in the list (Distant Fires Burning, Darren McClure, Monty Adkins, Clem Leek, Autistici, Good Weather For An Airstrike, Wil Bolton, Offthesky, Porya Hatami, just to name a few), but that leaves enough room for many new artist names to discover.
With a selection like this I cannot even begin to describe the music that is included in this selection. The (3 hr 25 min!) collection is a fascinating overview of everything that Audiobulb represents musically: electronic, ambient, microsound, electro-acoustic, idm/glitch and modern classical. And hybrid forms of all those of course.
If you’re a fan of streaming music platforms, you’re invited to start your search for your favorite ‘singles’ from this project. But my advice is to make it easy for yourself and simply focus on the Bandcamp compilation edition. Which probably is also more profitable for the Audiobulb label itself, too.
In 2003 David Newman aka Autistici founded Audiobulb Records label dedicated to promote artists from around the world who work in electronica, ambient, electroacoustic, glitch and modern classical music, among other genres.
In September this year, Audiobulb reached the publication of 100 releases and to celebrate it will be publish one single per day for 35 days.
"Exhibition #100" ranges from the beautiful neoclassical landscapes of Causeyoufair with "Eyes To Rings" and Clem Leek with "Rain", the glitch of Build Buildings with "Indigo Bunting", the electronic dub airs of Autistici with their song "2 Degrees Of Internalization ”, Craque's rhythmic beats with“ Gone Grounding ”, Effacer's IDM with“ My Documents ”and the luminous“ Leaving ”of Glass Locus. The melodies of “Septentri” by the French Melodium and the electronic gliding of Offthesky with his track “A Fine Day To Float”. The dreamlike ambient of the Iranian Porya Hatami with “Butterflies” and The IDM of Quiet Noise with “Murmurations”.
This compilation comes to represent a wide range of styles and artists of electronic music and reflects the good work done by Newman for over 17 years.