R_sin _io.

Jacek Doroszenko

AB159-S: February 2025

R_sin _io

R_sin _io is a beautiful precursor to Environmental Practice: Resin Arpeggio

Trembling echoes flow through glass veins like thick mercury, acidic drops seep through air coats, and boiling echoes freeze into amorphous resinous forms. The concrete block of the building hums with the cold rhythm of a repetitive arpeggio _io _io _io _io. The resin absorbs the vibrations of the synthetic flickers, and blue light wraps around its solidified structures. The chemical objects hum light melodies bouncing off the walls as they operate. Drones are born in the gaps, weakening as they come to the surface and giving way to liquid passages. Each tone is a fraction of a chain reaction _sin _io _sin _io, which emerges and weakens, appears and appears and fades away again.

The artistic work of Jacek Doroszenko focuses on the relationship between sound and space, capturing the unique audio or audiovisual identity of the various environments in which one moves and realizes oneself. The audio track in his works refers to the characteristics of a location, thus referring, among other things, to the necessity of learning to listen and look in visual art. The sound elements of a chemical factory in the city of Ústí nad Labem became the core of the new work for Gallery 3, to explore the variability and possible complexity of the sound ecosystem of this place.


  1. R_sin _io
  2. R_Consonances

Jacek Doroszenko

The artistic work of Jacek Doroszenko focuses on the relationship between sound and space, capturing the unique audio or audiovisual identity of the various environments in which one moves and realizes oneself. The audio track in his works refers to the characteristics of a location, thus referring, among other things, to the necessity of learning to listen as well as look in visual art. The sound elements of a chemical factory in the city of Ústí nad Labem became the core of the new work for Gallery 3, with the intention of exploring the variability and possible complexity of the sound ecosystem of this place. The sound composition works with the significant properties of the sound landscape, where human-controlled production and manufacturing (from quiet noises to noisier mixers) mix with natural moments (birdsong, a bubbling brook flowing through the area). - Adéla Machová Ph.D.




Audiobulb Records

Exploratory Music   

Sheffield, UK

Intricate Details

Paint With Sound