The Fall Of My Church
Henry works through bringing a collage of sounds together rather than sequencing them. The result is an organic outpouring of detours and fragmented details and a drifting sense of loss as form and context mutate and recreate anew. It is a challenging sound and Henry is the first to admit that some people don't "get it".
Henry describes this work as follows, "Dark emotional tension combined with crooked mathematics. A blend of the frustration that comes from regret and humiliation. The guilt, a deep sorrow and almost desperate attempt to explain myself. A need to be complete. A need not met."
- And Then I Saw
- Shhhh, Cover My Eyes
- How Long Was I Sleeping?
- For The Love Of God
- This Is Most Unfortunate, Fate
Henry Leo Duclos
Henry Leo Duclos conjures a dark blend of emotional tension combined with crooked mathematics.
Vital Weekly
The more I listen to the five pieces of Henry Leo Duclos, the less I understand what it is about. On a label such as Audiobulb Records one would expect something that has to do with ambient and rhythm (in that order) that was once filled under ambient house. And certainly, Duclos plays something with rhythm and ambient (in that order), but he doesn't like to play a very sequenced beat or some-such, but rather makes a collage of these elements, without caring too much if they belong to each-other very well. A bit of an uneasy marriage, as you can imagine. The rhythms are forcefully present, but don't seem to run in a very smooth way, a bit abrasive and certainly not really a danceable thing. The music didn't grab me that much either, so I am left behind with rather mixed feelings.
A statement accompanying Henry Leo Duclos's The Fall of My Church, that he “works through bringing a collage of sounds together rather than sequencing them,” underacknowledges the degree of form and structure that discernibly emerges during the disc's twenty-five minutes of “crooked mathematics.” Yes, the five pieces do unfold according to an obtuse logic yet their unfolding is hardly ungoverned or arbitrary. Beats skitter, distant voices surface, and noises flutter throughout “and then i saw” while the machines in “shhhh, cover my eyes” come slowly to life in a glitchy manner that suggests Autechre at its most explorative; Duclos's sound likewise suggests kinship with Spezial Material's Solarium when squelchy breaks violently pierce dense masses of textured noise in “how long was i sleeping?” and “this is most unfortunate, fate.”
The mood throughout The Fall of My Church is often dark, spacious, and fragmented with the material's mutating drift elastically toying with resolution without ever quite surrendering to it.