Audiobulb Records.

Exploratory Electronic Music

Environmental Practice: Resin Arpeggio.Jacek Doroszenko

Somewhere between the hum of parallel pipes and the inaccessible laboratories of the chemical factory, the dissonant chords of liquids and machinery reverberate endlessly. The space in which these sound patches resonate causes reverberation and interference of multiplied tones. In this dense composition, it is the space itself that performs the sounds, reflecting and playing them back again, as if it were trying to perform an arpeggio. Sometimes these arpeggios merge into a sound mass and emphasize the acoustic pressure of the chemical space. The resin produced here has the character of a sonic glue, moving as if in slow motion and filling one vessel after another. Inorganic compounds exhibit a range of binding properties, as does this sound composition, where individual phrases are connected by invisible filaments.

R_sin _io

Jacek Doroszenko

Chapter Five

Memory Scale


Marc Neys


Unique standalone audio processing software capable of radical sound sculpting and design. Capable of producing a vast array of ambient textures, from the bizarre to the beautiful. Paint with sound.

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A real-time audio reactive graphics application for M4L inspired by the work of Jules Antoine Lissajous. It explores the field of harmony and disorder letting the user dip into a dreamlike yet chaotic space.

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RETEXTULE is a 4-parallel looper type effector that can change the playback speed. Interesting textures can be created with parallel loopers with variable playback speed.

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Unique experimental sampler & sequencer (AUX-Seq) which enables the user to manipulate and record single samples or entire folders of samples through gesture, randomness and modulation.

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GRAINSCAPE opens up a multiverse of sound - making infinite variations from single sound. Implant your stems to unlock variations that can be harvested and re-employed within your track.  

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M4L-Bulbs is pack of five M4L plugins that work inside Ableton Live. They are designed to provide the quick creation of interesting sounds using a powerful technique called spectral processing.

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Audiobulb Records

Exploratory Music

Sheffield, UK